If you are a member of the SafeUp website, you will now have available the first instructions/demo videos of the SafeUp application. Select SOLUTIONS/SUPPORT VIDEOS in the menu-bar.
Visiting our VIDEO library, you will be able to view short demos and instructions of the application key features. We have now added videos for the basic features, and more will come! And not only involving the APP, but also the use of the SafeUp WebPortal.
How to become a member?
To access our video library, you will need to be registered as a SafeUp site member and log in. To become a member, click on the SOLUTIONS/SUPPORT VIDEOS link in the menu. This will take you to the SIGN UP page. Enter your details and you will receive an email confirmation with link to enter log in details (password).
And.....; - if you would like to make an appointment for more details and information, you can send request to post@safeup.no.